Let each element of your current stack focus on what they do best.
Use your current eCommerce backend as you are used doing it.
Connect your Headless frontend with Headle and unleash its full potential.
Connect with any eCommerce API Based Service, Magento, Shopware, Shopify, Lightspeed
Each action or setting will be pickup by the middleware and can be used on any point
We choose our tech stack to be not conventional and out of the box, this results that your data is processed and presented within microseconds.
Build your own frontend on any desired eCommerce frontend platform and use the building blocks provided by Headle
up to 5x faster Time To market
Critical services can have an isolated middleware, other endpoints can be used to analyze your data. No worries about tapping performance from your critical services.
Replicate your data so that you can create multiple endpoints to analyze your data.
Don’t worry about the data, it will always be synchronized
Headle middelware are building blocks, these building blocks can be used to create an ultra fast Headless storefront.
Building blocks can be used with multiple frameworks like Laravel, NextJS, Vuestorefront
Can be integrated with multiple eCommerce frameworks: Magento, Shopify, Lightspeed, Shopware etc.
We created an eCommerce framework based on Laravel and the good news
it is a PWA!
Your data in Headle will be in sync with your eCommerce backend by our fast importing API interations.
Keep it simple!
Connect with the best of breed in the industry, easily connect with shipping, warehousing, payment vendors and much more.
Already have a web development partner? Let them create a stunning Headless frontend or application. They will receive the following packages.
eCommerce Headless frontend framework
Platform access
Work with the Headle team
Direct Access on Slack
Implementation service
Contact us and let's get together to create incredible shopping experiences.